Welcome to OEStools.org. If you are looking for the officially adopted General Grand Chapter branding logo of the “Shooting Star,” you are in the right place! This is where you will find the Logo Style Guide to help you with using the logo; the “Shooting Star” logos already created for use in the U.S. and Internationally, as well as information regarding vendor usage of the logo.
Our “Shooting Star” logo is a friendly, uncomplicated logo that is Eastern Star’s brand logo. This logo has NOT replaced the traditional Eastern Star emblem. Instead, the “Shooting Star” is an updated image to help us reach out to the public in a positive manner in order to encourage them to learn more about us.
Using the Shooting Star is a great way to bring attention to our websites, fundraising materials, brochures, etc. The idea is for all of us to use this branding logo so when those who are not familiar with Eastern Star see this fresh, modern and uncomplicated logo, they can identify it and know who it represents. Let’s all work together toward making our Shooting Star as well-known and widespread as the Starbucks’ logo!